The continuation of the Bush tax cuts coupled with the extension of unemployment benefits has put all working Americans in a better mood. Real Gross Domestic Product rises close to 5% in 2011 driven by improved trade and capital spending in addition to stronger retail sales. Unemployment drops below 9%.
(2)美國負債加劇, 10年期國債嘅債息將升到5厘水平
The prospect of increasing Federal budget deficits and rising government debt finally begins to weigh on the bond market. The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury approaches 5% as foreign investors become more demanding. Spreads with corporate fixed income securities narrow.
(3)標普500指數升上 1500點,但係下半年會隨住加息而出現調整
Encouraged by renewed economic momentum the Standard & Poor’s 500 rises close to its old high of 1500. A broad range of sectors participate, but telecommunications and utilities lag. With earnings improving, valuations seem low and individual investors return to equities for the first time since the financial crisis. Merger and acquisition activity becomes intense and the market reaches a blow-off euphoria. Stocks correct in the second half as interest rates rise.
Although inflation remains benign, the price of gold rises above $1600 as investors across the world place more of their assets in something they consider “real.” Sovereign wealth funds of countries with significant dollar reserves also become big buyers. Hedge funds keep thinking the price rise is becoming parabolic and sell their positions and some even short the metal but gold keeps climbing and they scramble back in.
Worried about inflation and excessive growth, the Chinese decide to use their currency as a policy tool. They manage the value of the renminbi aggressively to keep the growth of the economy below 10% and to prevent consumer prices from increasing above the 4%–5% range. The move is viewed as a precursor to the world-wide adoption of a basket including the renminbi as an alternative to the use of the dollar as the principal reserve currency.
Rising standards of living in the developing world seriously increase the demand for agricultural commodities. The price of corn rises to $8.00, wheat to $10.00 and soybeans to $16.00. Commodities become a component of more institutional portfolios.
Rising standards of living in the developing world seriously increase the demand for agricultural commodities. The price of corn rises to $8.00, wheat to $10.00 and soybeans to $16.00. Commodities become a component of more institutional portfolios.
Rising standards of living in the developing world seriously increase the demand for agricultural commodities. The price of corn rises to $8.00, wheat to $10.00 and soybeans to $16.00. Commodities become a component of more institutional portfolios.
Frustrated by the lack of progress against the Taliban and the corruption of the Karzai government, President Obama concludes that whenever American troops return home, Afghanistan will once again become a tribal state ruled by warlords. He accelerates the withdrawal of most military personnel to the end of 2011. Coupled with the pullout of forces in Iraq, this will leave the Middle East without a major Western presence in the face of rising fears of terrorism.
Under duress Angela Merkel leads the way in European financial reform. The weaker countries, having pledged to cut their budget deficits in half by 2014, are provided additional transitional aid by the European Union (with Germany’s backing) and the International Monetary Fund as long as they implement their austerity programs, increase some taxes and still show modest growth. The European financial crisis becomes less of a concern. The policies put in place prove psychologically satisfying to the financial markets but harmful in the longer term because they are palliative and do not represent solutions.
■ 05 May 10 - 韋恩的10大驚奇 (2010年)
■ 美國去年經濟復甦放緩,彭博社受訪經濟師預估去年全年僅增長2.8%;失業率不曾回落至9%以下,十一月仍高企9.8%。
■ 冇加息,更推出次輪量化寬鬆措施(QE2)刺激經濟。
■ 10年期美債孳息僅高見3.99厘。
■ 算是對現,亦可說不太中!2010年1年的1132點上升到1200以上,然後回軟至1020點左右,但年尾前又升至1250以上,全年升13%。)
■ 對現一半!歐元由2010年1日1.45美元跌至6月低見1.2美元以下。但日圓由92升至現82日圓兌1美元。
■ 日本經濟冇乜起色
■ 沒有出現
■ 錯。民主黨於去年十一月初的國會中期選舉,分別在眾議院和參議院失去63席及6席,合共69席。
■ 對現!
■ 沒有出現
1. Byron Wien Announces The Ten Surprises for 2011
2. Byron Wien Presents His 10 Big Surprises For 2011
3. 東方日報 大好友去年跌眼鏡
4. 蘋果日報 韋恩十大驚奇 最奇舊年冇個中
5. 太陽報 韋恩十大驚奇估美經濟勁
信義玻璃(0828) 終於破頂,雖然只是少少,但圖表上很好,之前懷疑不能破頂回落。
回覆刪除現金走了去 信義玻璃(0828),現只得一注 金隅股份(2009),金隅股份(2009) 就上升8%。
不過先升後升後沒問題,只需要上升就ok! :)
市場消息指,聯塑<02128.HK>最終控股公司New Fortune Star,正配售1.2億股,並有3000萬股超額配股權;配股價介乎6.16-6.43元,較今日收市價6.84元,折讓6%-10%,套現最少7.4億元。
回覆刪除要來終於要來! 猜升跌難,猜新上市公司 上市半年後 否會配股不難。
假如中國聯塑(2128)因為配股, 插到去$6, 大家會唔會入呢?
回覆刪除我現金不足,即使加注也是小注。 未有通告,未知內容,未下定案。
中國安芯(1149)配售最多1.5億股股份,佔已發行股本約7.14%或經擴大後發行股本約6.67%。 配售價每股股份2.30港元較收市價每股股份2.47港元折讓約6.88%。 所得款項淨額估計約為3.325億港元,其擬用作於中國擴展智能監控及災難(ISD)預警系統業務。